What is estree-walker?
The estree-walker package is a simple utility for walking an ESTree-compliant AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), such as those produced by parsers like Acorn or Esprima. It allows users to traverse the tree and manipulate nodes during the traversal.
Walking an AST
This feature allows you to traverse an AST, performing actions when entering and leaving each node. The 'enter' function is called when a node is entered, and the 'leave' function is called when a node is left during the traversal.
const { walk } = require('estree-walker');
const ast = { /* some AST object */ };
walk(ast, {
enter(node, parent, prop, index) {
// Perform actions upon entering a node
leave(node, parent, prop, index) {
// Perform actions upon leaving a node
Manipulating Nodes
This feature demonstrates how you can manipulate nodes during traversal. In this example, numeric literal values are doubled.
const { walk } = require('estree-walker');
const ast = { /* some AST object */ };
walk(ast, {
enter(node) {
if (node.type === 'Literal' && typeof node.value === 'number') {
node.value *= 2; // Double the number